f you’re doing anything in tech, you’ll have heard “Containerized” or “Container” as a tech buzz word and i’m here to tell you, you need it today.<

Containerized applications bring your applications, websites, backend databases, e-mail, VPN, Online chat, company systems to an always-online, fluid, alive, state, and this is fundamentally important to the future of any business operating today.<

Typically, web servers and aforementioned services run on a single server. Albeit it’s probably a fairly large server, and most definitely in the cloud. This is all good and gravy, until, suddenly the server gets a bunch more work to do thanks to your new marketing campaign, and suddenly its knocked offline...<

Your tech guy will need to be called and reset the servers, happy days. Or not.
All those thousands of people accessing your website or APP at the same time, suddenly lost their connection. How much data is lost? You’ll never know... and how often can you allow this to happen? Well... never.<

The Solution?<

Kubernetes Containerized Server Clusters.
Yes, it’s a mouthful. Kubernetes is the name of the software here. I’ve added the 3 other words to try to give some scope as to what we’re dealing with.<

Firstly, Containerized means your application, database, website... is currently running on a server which has a lot of software installed as standard which, it probably isn’t using, or at best uses occasionally. The core applications which run only the specific website task need to be cut down into very small efficient system image, which can be deployed as a container.<

The system image takes the raw software components required to run the specific task, and literally no more than that. This makes your application run extremely efficiently as the server no longer has to run a number of other softwares at the same time. More importantly, this system image is now portable, is lightweight and ready to become alive.<

Kubernetes orchestrates a cluster of servers, basically joining them together and gives an interface where any number of servers can be used at the same time to efficiently execute the requirements of your application, services and company infrastucture. By breaking down the key applications into smaller system images, then deploying them into a Kubernetes cluster you have the power to launch as many instances of your application at the same time.<

Why would you want to do this? Well, say you have a busy afternoon of people accessing your APP and your database server is getting hit pretty hard; with a single server, that could easily go offline. So, let’s say you had 3 databases running synchronized, same situation. They are getting hit pretty hard, one database server gets too many requests and is knocked offline. This is when the magic happens. Kubernetes immediately diverts traffic to your 2 other remaining database servers and reboots the failed database server. When it comes back online, it re-syncs with the 2 working database servers and in a few moments is serving requests again.... Your clients on your website? Didn’t notice a thing by the way...<

Our company is Antianfan (ATF Group) registered in Guangzhou, China, PRC. And we’re able to re-build, setup and deploy whatever application you have into a Kubernetes containerized server cluster. Not only giving you full redundancy, we increase your capacity for huge volumes of requests and give you easy scalability options when you need to expand.<

Once your application is migrated to Kubernetes, you’ll never need to get frustrated over server capacity, slow networks, slow websites and potential data loss problems again.

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